“Hip & Back Exercises: Prevent/reduce pain and improve your stroke!”

Our goal at CHaOS is to reduce the number of missed practices due to back pain and hip issues.

Laura Terry, PT and teacher of “Yoga for Rowers”, is offering a Zoom workshop addressing hip flexibility and back pain to prevent injury and improve your stroke.

“Workshop” means: Your questions (see below) will be answered with theory and practical exercises. Be ready to move!

Laura is an experienced PT and “yoga for athletes” teacher.

This special class will focus on using yoga, and Physical Therapy exercises to benefit your rowing form and efficiency of stroke:

  • Flexibility for the hips to prevent lower back strain

  • Purposeful and efficient core and back strengthening

  • Tension release in the hips and back, emphasizing recovery

  • Anatomical and biomechanical explanations for the movements and poses
    Opportunities to ask questions.

Guys don’t be scared: No yoga experience needed.

When: Saturday, March 20, 3-4:30pm EST
Where: Zoom link provided with registration
What to “bring”: Yoga blocks or foam roller, blanket/towel recommended, but not necessary
Cost: Free. Thank you Felix and Maggie for sponsoring the workshop!!!
Prerequisite: Laura needs a signed release for her insurance company! Please download the release here, complete it, and mail to Laura at

Find more information about Laura at her website: or email
